Do I have to be pregnant to work with you for birth counselling?

Definitely not! You may be planning a pregnancy in the near future, trying to conceive, or postpartum. ‘Birth counselling’ is an all encompassing term for the entire journey into and through motherhood.

Do you work with dads, partners or couples?

Certainly for Birth Counselling. For Birth Debriefing it’s a little more complicated when it comes to couples. The short answer is yes, I do, depending on your needs. The long answer is – partners typically have very different experiences, perspectives and trauma to each other, despite both being in the same room (or not). I recommend that each partner has the opportunity to debrief separately before coming together in a session to understand each other and move forward together as a couple – please contact me directly to arrange this.

I am very pregnant and due to give birth any day now. Is it too late to work with you?

Never too late! There is so much we can achieve in just one session leading up to birth that will improve your mindset and readiness for birth and motherhood. In fact, the liminal space – the weeks and days before labour/birth – can be an incredibly transformational period on its own. I LOVE working with women during this time.

I've already had my baby but I am in need of support for my transition into motherhood, can you help?

Yes, absolutely. There is so much to traverse in the first year postpartum. I can provide support through feeding challenges, NICU stays, postpartum depression and anxiety, relationship adjustments, and physical changes, just to name a few.

Do you offer in person sessions?

Not yet, but they will be coming soon in Sydney South-west/Inner West. Watch this space!

Is there a time limit for having a birth debrief?

It doesn’t matter whether you gave birth last year or last decade, or even earlier! Birth debriefing will still bring healing and understanding, no matter how long ago your experience was.
I do however recommend you wait at least 6-12 weeks postpartum to book in a full birth debriefing session. Debriefing before this time is less likely to be effective, and there is an increased risk of re-traumitisation. If you are still within the fourth trimester, I suggest you book in a birth counselling session instead. This will have a primary focus on your wellbeing and may touch on aspects of your birth as needed and tolerated.

I'm preparing for my next birth after a difficult/traumatic birth. Should I book in for birth counselling or birth debriefing?

It’s up to you, either or both can be very effective. I would recommend booking in a full birth debriefing session as soon as possible, and follow up with birth counselling sessions from there.

Can I have my baby with me for our session?

Yes, I encourage you to do whatever feels right and comfortable for you and your baby. Some mums prefer to carve out some alone time to focus on themselves, their growth and healing. Others may feel uncomfortable, unwilling or unable to be separated from their babe, especially in the early days. I support you in whatever feels right for you.

Are there rebates available for your services?

Unfortunately I am unable to offer medicare or private health rebates.

I'd love to work with you but I am not in a position to meet the full financial investment. Is there anything you can do for me?

In order to have birth counselling and debriefing as accessible as possible, I keep a very limited number of reduced-fee places in my caseload. I encourage you to reach out to me directly via email or DM to enquire about one of these places if you need to. If these spots are full, I can place you on a waitlist. I ask that you do not provide details of your financial situation to me when enquiring. This is not necessary, and I trust that those who enquire have genuine need.

What kind of therapy do you offer?

My therapeutic approach wide ranging. I believe there is no single therapy or technique that works for everyone – we are all far too unique for that! And in my experience, the greatest growth and healing comes from a multi-angle approach. I therefore integrate parts work, somatic techniques (working with sensations and emotions in the body), mindset techniques, building awareness, and cognitive approaches (working with thoughts). Above all, my priority is helping my clients to build a sense of safety within themselves at a vulnerable time.